Lakevale has a passive neighborhood watch program, which means that there is no active patroling but neighbors keep on the lookout for each other and report suspicious activities to the Fairfax County Police and to the neighborhood watch contact.

  • Life-threatening emergencies or immediate damage to property:  911
  • Fairfax County Police non-emergency telephone number:  703-691-2131
  • Lakevale Neighborhood Watch:

It is important to report all suspicious activities to the non-emergency police number. This will prompt more-frequent patrolling of our neighborhood as needed.

Recent Incidents and Issues

Cherry Trees Damaged (July 2015)
Some time between July 27 and July 29, two cherry trees on East Meredith Drive, between Oak Valley and Lakevale, were vandalized. Multiple (healthy) branches were stripped and then laid in the trees.

Suspicious Stranger (July 2015)
There is a report circulating among neighbors, and posted on the web site NextDoor,  of an incident which occurred on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, around 7pm.  A man with a camera slowly followed a 12 year old boy who was riding a bicycle on Clarkes Landing Drive,  which is on the other side of Hunter Mill and about three miles from Lakevale. The boy hid behind bushes until the car went away. The man was described as a tan Caucasian with brown hair cut short, a beard, black glasses and a light blue shirt, age 40s to 50s. The car was silver and similar to a VW Passat.

Mail Thefts (April 2015)
Our neighbors in Oakton Glen recently reported mailbox thefts, which also have occurred in Lakevale last summer. At that  time, Charlie Westerman found a wad of unmailed, ripped envelopes from which checks were removed. In Oakton Glen, occupants of a red sedan were seen taking envelopes from a mailbox with its flag up. Do NOT put bill payment envelopes — or other outgoing mail with personally identifying information — in your mailbox for the postal carrier to pick up. Take them to a post office mail box, preferably inside a post office.