
It’s time for the Lakevale Halloween Parade and Games!

When: Sunday, October 30th, 3-4:30pm

What: Wear your costume and feel free to bring bikes, scooters, wagons, and strollers for a parade through the neighborhood to the clubhouse where we’ll enjoy games, crafts, and snacks!

If your last name begins with the letters A to L, please bring drinks to share. If your last name begins with M to Z, please bring snacks. Snacks and drinks can be dropped off at the clubhouse after 2:15 and before heading over to the start of the parade.

Where: We’ll meet at the corner of Lakevale and Lindel just before 3pm.
Kids and parents will walk/bike/scoot, etc down Lindel Lane, left on Newton, and across Oak Valley to the Clubhouse parking lot.

You are probably wondering how you can help make this event a success! We need kids and teens (6th grade and up) to help with the games and crafts and can sign for service hours. We also need parade marshals, set-up, and take-down help, and more! See the Sign up Genius link below and take a slot!

Questions? Please contact Amanda Taylor ajpt@yahoo.com or Erin Miller at erin@hautepapier.com