Lakevale Resident Directory
We are excited to announce that the new Lakevale Resident Directory page is live on the Lakevale website! The “Resident Directory” page can be found on the Lakevale website under the “About” menu. Please note that you must be logged in to see information on this page; if you are not logged in, the page will be blank. Only people with Lakevale website accounts can access the directory information.
On the new Resident Directory page, you will find a link to the online directory, which has the most current information as provided by residents themselves. You will also find links to two printable directory files. In the first, you can see residents by address and in the second, you can see residents by last name. The current printable files were created 7/9/2022. Updated printable files will be created periodically. You will also find a neighborhood map showing common property features, homes, and block areas.
It’s never too late to opt in to the directory! Once you opt in, your information will be immediately available in the online directory, and will also be included in future printable files.